
よくある問い合わせ / FAQ

(There is a parking space with room for one car at our store. Kin town public parking lot ,which is free and with ample parking spaces, is a few minutes away on foot from our store. )

A:塩釜じゅ〜しぃ ジューシィーにつきましては完全予約制となります。ブラックローストチキンに関しましては当日のお求めが可能ですが、ご予約を頂けた方がスムーズにお渡しができます。
(“Shiogama” (Salt Crust) with Okinawan stuffing is required to make a reservation at least 24 hours in advance. As for Black roasted chicken, we recommend you to make a reservation in order not to make you waiting at our store, although you can buy them on the day of your need even without a reservation. )

A:席に限りが御座いますが可能です。 また店舗裏手にアクティブパークという公園が御座いますのでテイクアウトして食べることもオススメしております。
(Yes, although the numbers of the seats are limited. To order takeout food and to eat at Active Park at the backside of the store is also recommended. )

A:通常サイズ1羽でロースト前800g前後、焼き上がり650gとなり、2人程で食べることが可能です。 ラージサイズはロースト前1200g前後、焼き上がり1000g程となりますので3〜4人程でお召し上がりが可能です。 大きいサイズが必要な場合は事前にお問い合わせください
(It normally serves 2 people (the weight of a whole regular sized chicken : 800g before roasted, 650g after roasted). A larger sized chicken serves about 3 to 4 people (the weight of a whole larger sized chicken : 1200g before roasted, 1000g after roasted). Please contact us in advance when you need a larger one. )

(No, there is no garlic in our roasted chicken. )

A:当店の味付けは特製黒麹で塩分調整した塩味が基本となります。 ローストチキンお求めの方には特製ディップ7種類からお好きな味を選んで頂けます。
(Basically salty because we use uniquely prepared black rice-malt and selected Okinawan salt as the seasonings for our herb-fed young chickens. Our tasty roasted chicken is offered with your choice from 7 kinds of original dips. )

A:店内お求めの場合のホールチキンには1つ、塩釜・パーティーチキンにはディップが2つ無料でついておりますが、それ以上お求めの場合は1つ150円となります。 県内・県外の配送にはディップはついておりません。
(When you take your order at our shop, one dip of your choice comes with Black Roasted Chicken (Whole) for free, and two dips do the same for one order of  “Shiogama” (Salt Crust) with Okinawan stuffing or Black Roasted Chicken Party Set (serves 4). If you need dips more than that, one dip costs 150 yen (tax included). When you choose the shipping service, whether to the area inside or outside Okinawa, no dip comes with any chicken. )

A:毎週火曜日、年末年始がお休みとなります。臨時休業はHPのお知らせをご確認ください。 臨時休業はHPのお知らせをご覧ください 
(We are closed on Tuesdays and a new year holiday season. Notice of temporary closure will be shown on our website. )

(Within Okinawa, the package is shipped as a refrigerated, and to the outside of Okinawa, it is shipped as a frozen. )

A:冷蔵の場合は10日間となりますが、それ以上の場合は 真空のまま冷凍で保存して下さい。約90日間保存が可能です。 解凍しても美味しく頂けます。
(Within 10 days before you eat, you can keep it refrigerated. When with more than 10 days before you eat, please keep a package frozen without opening it. You can store it for around 90 days, and can enjoy it’s delicious taste after you thaw it. )

(Please have them on the day. )

A:赤い部分は骨髄液となり、加熱しても血液より変色しにくいため赤く残る場合がありますが、食べても問題はありません。成長につれて骨密度が増し骨髄液が流れ出る事は起こりにくくなるので、若鶏の場合は赤い部分が見られることがあります。(CHAMP CHICKEN ではやんばるハーブ若鶏を使用しております。)
(It’s most likely marrow seeping through the bone, and no problem to eat. As the bones of older birds become denser with age, this leakage is less likely to happen. CHAMP CHICKEN choose young Yanbaru chickens, and marrow sometimes seeps through during freezing and roasting. Marrow is known to be more heat-stable and less discolored than blood.)

